Alcohol Tastes Sweeter in Noisy Environments
People find alcohol sweeter in noisy environments, which might drown out our ability to judge...

‘Filling in Your Musical Black Spots’ – Two Melbourne Inventors, ‘perfect’ Headphones
Filling in your musical black spots’ – two Melbourne inventors, ‘perfect’ headphones and $700,000 from...

Listen to Your Food
We are all trying to lose weight! How can sound help?? Well, there is a US study...

Obstacle Avoidance by Echolocating Bats – Its Simple Really
October 22, 2015 Source: PLOS Summary: Echolocating bats can fly through complex environments in complete...

What Music Should You Drive To?
The best and worst driving music, according to Israeli research By Suzanne Pollak Israeli Prof....

Internoise 2015
I have just attended Internoise 2015 in San Francisco. There were over 1000 attendees from...

Music Can Effect Your Performance
We all know that music can affect your mood. But it can also affect your performance. This...

Why Do We Notice an Alarm Sound?
Have you often wondered why some sounds attract more attention than others? Why do alarm/emergency type sounds...