Professional Memberships and Affiliations

Fields of Special Competence

Professional Expertise
Norm sits on a number of Australian Standards Committees as an expert:
Norm wrote the chapter on “Effects of Infrasound, Low Frequency Noise, and Ultrasound on People” in the “Handbook of Noise and Vibration Control,” which was published in September 2007.
Member of the Australian National Health Medical Research Council Wind Farm & Human Health Reference Group, which investigated the impact of wind farms on human health. NHMRC statement released Feb 2015.
International Advisor to the Health Canada research project entitled “Community Noise & Health Study,” which examined the health effects of wind turbine noise on individuals living within close proximity to these installations. Initial summary of findings released in November 2014.
Guest editor for a special edition of Acoustics Australia dealing with Wind Farm Noise in 2012 (Volume 41, April)
Invited as a guest speaker in May 2015 on LFN and Infrasound at the RIVM in Holland, addressing and meeting with regulators and other interested government departments.